It should be simple enough, but because of our focus, we often lose our passion and we end up spending most of our time trying to make a living, trying to make money. Even the most successful people that has made a lot of money in life, if you challenge them and ask when is it enough? they can’t tell you. The riches are endless, they can’t answer the question about what is enough.
Many successful people that passed away on their death bed would spend time thinking about their life, what they achieved, what they created and trying to find the answer to the question. What’s my purpose, what was the purpose that I was brought to this life and spent my time on this earth and they often realize that they chased prosperity, they never chased passion. Only then do they understand how important is passion. If you are passionate at what you do, that implies you love what you’re doing, and if you love what you’re doing it energizes you, the more of that you would like to do, that’s the reason why you get up in the morning.
Your passion in life you can live at workplace, but sometimes it’s not possible, but then you can live your passion outside your workplace. I can tell you many successful stories where people that were extremely unhappy in their workplace, found out what their passion was and they lived their passion outside their workplace. The passion they lived brought in positivity to their lives, brought in positive mindset which came into their workplace and they became extremely happy and everything they wished and dreamed for in the workplace happened because people experienced that.
Importance of Passion and Purpose
Passionate is so important and purpose very much the same. You should have purpose, you should have reason to do these things. If it’s just to follow your passion it is also fine, but you have to define your purpose, link it to your passion, and that will give you prosperity. That form, and that order, you can’t say prosperity first and then the passion and the purpose will follow, it doesn’t happen that way.
If you work just for money it will take over your life and your whole persona, that’s all that matters. If you talk about work life balance, your family, your emotions, and everything will suffer. So it’s so important to find out what is your passion, there’s a lot of profiling that one can do. I’m talking about profiling that tells you what is your thinking preference that can define what you love doing, that’s what you should focus on.
Then you spend some time on defining your purpose, you get this in balance and prosperity will follow, plentiful of it as much as you need and as much as you want and you’ll be able to say I am enough because I’m living my life passionate with a purpose. And one day when I put my head down, I will know why I have been on this earth and I will be able to answer the question. Did you make a difference? And I will say yes, because my life to the fullest.