Welcome to Bertie le Roux’s podcast, episode 16. In this episode we’re going to talk about unfulfilled…
Bertie le Roux
Things are changing dramatically fast nowadays. It’s not what you did yesterday that you can do today and still do…
In this interview I ask Bertie about the various accolades he received this year, including great news!
In this post I discuss the role our seniors citizen have to play in society. There are many legacies still to be built and explored. What do you think our senior citizens have to offer society?
With Heritage Day last week, 24 September, Steve (host) and myself spent some time reminiscing about what we have built with my segment on the station the last few years.
Listen to this exciting interview as we go back and forth, remembering the best times.
Do you listen to my show? What was your most favorite topic?
In this video I share a little about balance in your life. We should not just be focusing on money, there are other, more important things. Which one of these 3 are more important to you?
Before you give up or consider failure… I submit to you the concept of ‘yet’. What are some goals that you have that you should not quite close the door on yet (after watching this video)
In this video I relate broken crayons to our creativity and out-of-the-box conceptualization. This has been such a powerful lesson to me when I realized how it applied to my life. What are some of the things that are hindering your creativity?
In this video I look at changes in our lives, what brings them along and what they bring into our lives. what are signs for changes to you?